Daisuke Hirose

廣瀬 大祐 (ヒロセダイスケ)

Archicomplex 一級建築士事務所 代表
明治大学 アジア建築都市研究所 准教授
東京理科大学 理工学部建築学科 デジタルスタジオ 講師
東京大学 G30 特任非常勤講師 (-2012)
京都造形芸術大学 非常勤講師
長野県小布施まちづくり 特任アドバイザー
奈良県 奈良の木ブランドアドバイザー

2005年帰国後、建築設計事務所アーキコンプレックス設立。2013年台湾台中市都市空間大賞「Green Ray」、2011年氷見市三国清三オーベルジュ「誉一山荘」、2007-2011富士重工業SUBARU国際展示会場、2008年北京建築ビエンナーレ日本代表、2008年経済産業省主催パリ装飾美術館「kansei」展など。
BIM(Building Information Modeling)コンサルタントのほか、都市景観、商業施設の設計、国内外の大学でITを駆使したデジタルデザイン教育を行う。

Daisuke Hirose
Founder Director, Archicomplex, architects and associates Inc.
Associate Professor: Meiji University
Adjunct instructor:
Tokyo University of Science Kyoto University of Art and Design

After studying at the graduate school of Tokyo University of Science, he worked with Kengo Kuma and then jumped into GSAPP, Columbia University in 2000-2001, studying with Ed Keller, Evan Douglis and Carl Chu studios. In 2003, he established his design office Archicomplex in Tokyo and simultaneously started teaching at Tokyo University of Science, Kyoto University of Arts and Design and the University of Tokyo.

Since then he has consulted with major companies such as SUBARU Motors, Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd., on their global design strategy of show stand in Paris, Geneva, Frankfurt, Los Angeles, Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo using his unique technics, parametric design and digital fabrication. He has won various awards both domestic and internationally, including The Taichung Sustainable Urban Living Grand Prize 2013 for his mixed-use project “Green Ray” in Taiwan, The Nippon Steel Prize 2013 and The JID Space Prize 2012 for his architectures in Fukushima, and Beijing Biennale 2008. With his students, he won The Bentley Design 2011, The Fujitsu Design Competition 2012, The Colloquium Structure 2012 and several projection mappings as public works. Along with Kunio Kudo and his GSAPP students, he also won The Obuse Future Urban Design Grand Prize in 2012.

He is currently engaged in architectural designs in Nantes(France), Karuizawa, Kanazawa, Iwaki, Nagoya, Tsukuba, Taichung and Sustainable Culture Program in Obuse Nagano, Japan. Daisuke Hirose and his associates have consulted with major general contractors, universities, property management companies and retail groups via Advanced BIM and peripheral technologies.

Teaching experience: 2019 – present/ Associate Professor, RIAAU, Meiji University
2016 – 2018/ Digital Studio, I-AUD, Meiji University
2011 – 2015/ Director, Studio-X Tokyo Lab, GSAPP, Columbia University
2010 -2012/ G30, the University of Tokyo
2005 – present/ Design Studio, Tokyo University of Science,
Kyoto University of Art and Design
2004 – present/ Jury and Extramural lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, Pratt Institute, Princeton University, Sci-Arc, AA school and Kassel University